BuildIT is honored to join with our colleagues at the CMAA Northern California and ACEC Bay Bridge Chapter to announce the date, location and keynote speaker for our annual Owners’ Night event which will featuring nearly two-dozen public agencies. These public agencies will provide critical information regarding their current/upcoming procurement programs as well as an overview of their capital projects.
Thursday, April 24, 2025
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
375 Beale Street (between Folsom and Harrison Streets)
San Francisco, California 94105
Our Keynote Speaker: Andrew Fremier.
Andrew Fremier is the executive director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) overseeing a consolidated staff of some 380 who support both the transportation planning, funding and coordinating agency for the San Francisco Bay Area and the council of governments for the region’s nine counties and 101 cities and towns. Among many other responsibilities, MTC and ABAG jointly develop and update the Bay Area’s long-range transportation, housing and land-use plan, which guides the agencies’ policy and investment decisions. The current plan, known as Plan Bay Area 2050, was adopted in 2021 and identifies 35 strategies to make the region better connected, more affordable, healthier and more economically vibrant.
Event registration will begin Mid-February 2025.
There are a range of sponsorship opportunities associated with this event. Should your company wish to become a sponsor please contact Paul Pendergast at: paul@pendergastconsultinggroup.com
Should your public agency wish to be a part of this event please contact Natalie Saylor at: nsaylor@SaylorConsulting.com